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Bug reporting infrastructure for software companies

Tunnel helps organizations collect, organize, and resolve feedback with a single line of code.

The YouTube thumbnail for the latest Tunnel demo

Integrate in minutes

Add Tunnel to your app in a single line of code


1import { TunnelToolbar } from @tunnel/react;
3export default function App() {
4 return (
5 <>
6 <h1>My App</h1>
7 <TunnelToolbar
9 branch=BRANCH_NAME
10 />
11 </>
12 );

Collect feedback with built-in tools

Reviewing your product with Tunnel feels like Figma or Google Docs.


Attach feedback directly to website elements

A screenshot of a comment on a website


Drag to screenshot elements to provide more context.

A screenshot of a screenshot on a website

Issue tracking

Address feedback and resolve comments once they're done.

A screenshot of a screenshot on a website

Toolbar embed

Embed feedback tools in your app, so they're always there when you need them.

A screenshot of a screenshot on a website

Create custom workflows

We integrate with all your tools so Tunnel works the way you do.

Synced threads

Threads two-way synced with Slack or Teams.

A screenshot of Slack broadcast created by Tunnel

Linked pull requests

Link feedback to pull requests with comments that track resolved comments.

A screenshot of pull request comment created by Tunnel

Template issues

Create correspondign issues in Jira or Linear to assign tickets and track progress.

A screenshot of a Jira issue template

And more

More powerful integrations available now and in the works.

A graphic showing the logos of tools Tunnel integrates with

Debug with context

Automatically capture all the information developers need.

Console logs

Automatically capture a snapshot of the console.

A screenshot of console logs on Tunnel

Network logs

Automatically capture requests and responses.

A screenshot of network logs on Tunnel

You deserve better feedback

Turn your entire organization into great bug reporters in minutes.